When white spots appear on a black background to symbolize light and fire, the battle begins between two principles, traditionally represented by the...
The Ukrainian animation is based on the classic Scottish fairy tale about the misadventures of a regular fisherman, whose day was a complete disaster...
The prince and his courtiers, dwelling in a castle near Lviv, suffer from an infestation of evil spirits who try to survive them. The last hope turns...
Feeling hungry, a young boy Semen and his father went to the kitchen to get some food, but all they found was empty pans and a note from his mother,...
A chicken lived in a yard, which could not have offspring, which was very frustrating for her. She had been giving burth to toys, bottles, balls and...
Omelechko and his family, which counted a couple of dozen people, have a fun life. There is a wife, parents and a couple of aunts and uncles, and the...
Worm, trying to save himself from death, accidentally ends up in a cinema watching a frank film for adults. Since then, he is obsessed with the idea...