A decade after the American Civil War, Edward Young returns home from a hunting trip to find a horrific reanimation of his wife and that their son...
Two disparate young women working for a company that conducts euthanasia are dispatched to a remote estate to perform a custom assisted-suicide...
Two men witness an unexplainable event in the sky as a historic solar storm approaches, and they try to survive as a terrifying life form hunts them.
A sewage worker gets trapped inside a septic tank during a water contamination crisis and undergoes a hideous transformation. To escape, he must team...
A gravekeeper is drawn into a hell dimension to save the soul of a beautiful woman.
A comedy/horror mockumentary that chronicles the unravelling of a production team who are attempting to produce the ultimate reality TV show pilot...
A young woman is stalked by a dark web network after booking a weekend rental unit online. Her every move is captured online, and when her brother...
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