When awkward teen Ronald Wilby accidentally kills a young girl whose sister rejected his affections, his overbearing mother decides to hide him from...
Sultry college dropout Annie Burroughs moves in with her older sister Marsha and proceeds to break up the relationship between Marsha and her live-in...
A woman is trapped during a storm in a house with no electricity or phone. A killer has murdered her sister, stuffed the body in the basement, and is...
In the series premiere, Baloo, an air cargo pilot, meets Kit Cloudkicker, a 12-year-old orphan, and takes him on as his navigator. He also loses his...
The female survivor of a shipwreck and two Coast Guard helicopter pilots sent to rescue her find themselves trapped in a mysterious part of the ocean...
Through a series of elaborate schemes, a wealthy woman arranges for the murder of her husband's mistress and then takes steps so that the crime won't...