Twilight Park, a life size stop motion animated feature film about a boy Seraphim who along with Howie Heehaw; a rodeo show clown from Tibet, gets...
an unforgettable journey across the Icelandic landscape as mixing live action and pixilation to produce an enchanting, timeless short film. Shot on...
LAND is a fluid series of formal land animation experiments based upon the imprint of landscapes in various locations and intuitive interpretations...
Dr. Reineger, a famous neuro-psychologist, has become convinced that a twin girl named Anna has a rare form of Autism called Asperger's Syndrome,...
Set in a parallel universe entering a black hole, a woman reading the book of Revelation has visions of regeneration during Anthropocene.
A young girl is lost in a forest filled with eyeball trees, skeletal animals and a nephilim
Seraphim Cloud and his life size doppelgänger enter the netherworld of Calico Ghost Town deep within the Mojave Desert.
A group of merchants and vikings navigate dramatic events both within and without in this epic musical based on the Icelandic Vinland sagas. As...
Resulting from an ancient volcanic eruption, revered as sacred by the Chalun and Matsun Native American Tribes as the home of the...
Jack O’ Lantern folktale about the origin of the Will-o’-the-Wisp retold through a haunted doll’s mind’s eye.
A short time lapse stop motion animation of horseshoe crabs coming ashore on a midsummer's eve.
A troubled mortician embarks on an odyssey for truth about life and death.
mysteries of the sea are revealed before 4am. shot in Hastings, England in 2008
The protagonist feels dead in waking life and alive in dreams.
arc of the natural world’s evolution from the primeval environment to the Anthropocene and back again premiered in program Death is Green at...
John 4:13-14: Jesus answered, Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst....
Three artists struggling against the grid of society find spiritual renewal.
Eric Leiser is an award-winning artist, filmmaker, animator, puppeteer, writer and holographer working in New York and born in California. This...
Terra Incognita is a multi-plane cut out animation made from photocopies of 19th century illustrations made during the race to the poles and drawings...
DEO A reimagining of Deo Gratias (ca. 1497) by Johannes Ockeghem. A Film by Eric Leiser. Animation by Eric Leiser. Composed by Pauline Kim Harris...
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