An aspiring trapeze artist discovers a cryptic letter, written once by her recently deceased father, that leads her to a gold mine in a remote...
A female recording artist encounters the misogyny and outdated business practices of male record label executives.
Rain is a spirited 14-year old who, after the death of her grandmother, seeks out her estranged mother in the big city of Nassau. Her dreams of a...
In East Texas, a rodeo clown and bull fighters happens upon a drug-smuggling operation.
Samantha Holt had the perfect life with a handsome fiancée and a future that couldn’t look brighter. But an unexpected turn on a dark...
A zombie-inspired comedic horror film starring Rachel Grubb and Sarah French.
Evan White is unjustly accused of selling marijuana and cocaine and being threatened with up to 28 years in jail by an ambitious Federal prosecutor.
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