The action of the film begins in the 1970s – even then, the young protagonist knows that adrenaline tastes better than powdered milk. Over...
After a court order sends him to work at a hospice, an ex-criminal strikes up a friendship with a compassionate priest who changes his life.
Born in the early 20th century, herbalist Jan Mikolasek became rich and famous after curing countless diseases with unorthodox means. A true emblem...
June and Jennifer Gibbons are twins from the only Black family in a small town in Wales in the 1970s and '80s. Feeling isolated from the community,...
A few years back tragic events tied the fate of three Catholic priests. From then on they meet on every anniversary of the disaster to celebrate...
The story of a WWII tragedy in a Polish village mixed with the story of a wedding taking place in the same place 80 years later. A bitter look at a...
Warsaw, Poland. Kamil, a street rapper who spends his time going from party to party, begins a love affair with Iwona, a wealthy married woman.
Your crazy grandpa is the best, but your dad hates him. He doesn’t believe you can talk to real dragons, either. This leaves you no...
A secluded island somewhere on a seas of the Northern Europe. A family of four has lived here for over ten years, perfecting the art of survival....
Disillusioned private investigator Djonny is called in to investigate a murder in a refugee camp. However, he becomes increasingly unstable when he...
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