Susana, a 10-year-old girl, lives with her father in a cabin located in the mountains of Veracruz, in the middle of a threatening tranquility. When...
Lorenzo works for an omnipresent corporation in a future of dystopian bureaucracy. His employee insurance denies him the medication that would help...
Sergio believes that outer beauty is everything. On his girlfriend's grandmother's party day, he pays too much attention to his appearance, which...
Two friends decide to steal a shopping cart.
Ángel and his mother Rosario live in a neighborhood, where without prior notice, they are affected by a water shortage in the city. Despite...
Laura, 16, is held hostage by her father who believes she is possessed because she is pregnant.
Ser, a person, fights against depression, anxiety and fear, a dark creature within. Failing to escape from it, he surrenders to this feelings within...
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