Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering...
Shame, the ape man of the jungle, is aghast when his woman, June, is kidnapped by a gang of giant penises. They take her to their queen, Bazunga, a...
120 schoolgirls live in a Catholic boarding school for girls together with nuns, who teach them, but secular teachers are also employed here. Behind...
To get a job and marry the nice Yvette, a quilt teacher, Julien goes to Paris. On the station platform, he swears loyalty to her, but as soon as he...
A sequel directed again by Franz Marischka.
A 'gang' of five young women spend their days shoplifting, hitchhiking and having orgies.
A female vampire must bathe in the blood of virgins in order to stay alive. The trouble is that virgins are in short supply nowadays, and she is...
A transsexual becomes a star of Paris and lives a crazy love story with the lover of a friend. But the young man comes to his senses and his...
After an extensive immersion work on abandoned childhood, Ciro Durán presents, from his point of view, the life of street children, who have...
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