The story follows Nozaki Haruka, a middle school student who transfers to a new school in a small town because of her father's work. Unfortunately,...
The life story of a treasure hunter who lives in the countryside of Gunma in Japan. He is pure and kind, but has no communication skills and has a...
A former couple remembers their most intimate days, only to part once again. A bittersweet love story inspired by a Jim Jarmusch masterpiece, set in...
One day an idol is bitten by a zombie and before she is taken into custody, she runs away. She only has 72 hours left until she becomes one, so she...
Depressed and in debt, Santoshi tells his young daughter that he is going to find an infamous serial killer and collect a reward. However, when...
Daisuke Yuge works as a tour guide in Oahu, Hawaii and also studies astronomy. He meets Rui Fujishima at a cafe and falls in love with her at first...
Having failed to get into graduate school, with no girlfriend, no money, and no prospects of success with his band, Tsurugi's life has reached rock...
While fooling around with a self-made crossbow, Kira accidentally kills his classmate Itsuki. For lack of evidence, the young student is found...
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