1920, rural Ireland. Anglo-Irish twins Rachel and Edward share a strange existence in their crumbling family estate. Each night, the property becomes...
The clumsy and unfunny clown Richard "Stitches" Grindle entertains at the 10th birthday party of little Tom, but the boy and his friends play a prank...
16 year old Matt is a little too nice for his own good, and when he discovers that his older, estranged brother Deco has turned into a vampire, he's...
When the ongoing rivalry between farmers Michael (Christopher Abbott) and Jack (Barry Keoghan) suddenly escalates, it triggers a chain of events that...
A young woman finds herself a prisoner in the home of an old man who has recently lost his wife. As her desperate attempts to escape accelerate, the...
In Michael Reilly's bar in Ardmore, West Waterford, a game of 45 has been played every Friday night since 1942. Hosting this long standing card game...