Based on a true story, the film narrates the life of a fictitious Peronist union leader who, after years of militancy, gains power in the union...
Short about the disappearance of the body of the political Argentinean writer Rodolfo Walsh after he was shot in an ambush by a special military...
Documentary on the situation of INSUD factory metalworkers, who, because of lead and poor working conditions, suffer from sickness and death by lead...
Short that relates how members of the ERP (Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo) carried out an spectacular blow by entering the vault of the...
The Popular Revolutionary Army (ERP) was a military unit of an Argentine political party, looking up to Mao's cultural revolution as its model. Its...
On August 15, 1972, during the dictatorial government of General Lanusse, twenty political prisoners belonging to the PRT- ERP, FAR and Montoneros,...
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