On a cold November day in 1983, beer magnate Alfred Heineken and his chauffeur Ab Doderer are abducted. What follows is the most infamous kidnapping...
An eccentric multimillionaire signs an agreement to have his life ended. While selecting his coffin he meets a young woman who has signed up for the...
Philo Bregstein tells us this film looks at Pasolini's life and art to explain why he died. The film traces Pasolini's life chronologically - family...
Stage registration of the second comedy special by the Dutch comedian Micha Wertheim. This performance takes place in a dream, a dream in which Micha...
Armin is in crisis. One fateful day he discovers he is infertile and has been throughout his life. From this he discovers his first wife, Monika, was...
A chronicle of prominent Dutch association football club Feyenoord's 75-year history, and its place at the heart of its namesake neighborhood on the...