After a love affair ends badly, a young Parisian named Paul sinks into the same kind of deep depression that led his sister to kill herself. He moves...
The darkness of night, a barely lit place, motorbikes flirting with danger: a group of teenagers at a crossroads playing chicken with unaware passing...
Ana Catarina returns from Brazil with her father and her nanny to marry a man she doesn't know and doesn't like. A terrible coincidence happens when,...
A bad luck that should never have happened, sends Rodrigo into a coma that lasts five years. And when he wakes up, after so long haunted by the image...
An authentic and convincing story of a small boy, son of a disrupted young couple, with all the typical hostile reactions about his mother's new love...
Ricardo is a transvestite. After a failed attempt of suicide, he has to come back to his roots and to relearn how to live with the inspiring help of...