A young and talented architect comes to his senses after a horrific accident only to find himself in the odd dystopian world. A world that is filled...
A young female doctor and her 6-year-old daughter are on an overnight flight in a violent storm. When passengers on the half-empty plane inexplicably...
Kolya is an ordinary guy: video games, rap and friends. The last thing he cares about is the future. Until one day, he gets into the future himself....
Fires are raging in the Moscow region, and the forest protection airbase is on a rotation. However, experienced firefighters are in short supply and...
Grigory, the son of an oligarch, is fully rehabilitated after his humbling experience as a 19th-century serf. Moreover, he develops a strong sense of...
He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls...