A slice of life story that follows a large Italian family on Christmas Eve as they prepare for the traditional Feast of the Seven Fishes, reminisce...
It centers on Val who finds herself and her young children held hostage by Denny when he forces his way into her house after committing murder that...
Tom Savini is one of the greatest special effects legends in the history of cinema, but little is known about his personal life until now. For the...
Chasing their dream of landing their own hunting show, Jake and Stevie head to the dense, secluded mountains of West Virginia. Equipped with only...
When the strain of tragedy was too much for a young couple in Appalachia, prescription pills became the medicine to ease the pain.
A woman tries to save her father from a corrupt and greedy court-appointed guardian.
Plot is kept under wraps but is centred on a visiting relative, who is harbouring a dark secret.
Lori becomes distraught when her best friend, Cindy Roth, drowns under mysterious circumstances while on a trip with her husband, Randy. Determined...
After a masked intruder assaults Morgan Metzer in her home, her ex-husband, Rodney, shows up minutes later. Questioned by the authorities, Rodney's...
Charles Wesley Godwin & The Allegheny High play live at Stage AE in Pittsburgh, PA. Intercut with Charles musing on inspirations for his music as he...
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