A German woman named Jasmin stumbles upon a dilapidated motel/diner in the middle of nowhere. Her unusual appearance and demeanor are at first...
A plump Munich mortuary worker tracks down and seduces a married subway conductor.
A young orphaned woman named Kotzebue is trying to find out who her parents are in the icy landscapes of Alaska. Kotzebue is helped by an East German...
Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit...
In 1914, with men gone to war, Marcel Proust hired Céleste Albaret as his attendant. More than eight years later, she was at his side when he...
At Gestapo head quarters a young woman establishes a relationship with another inmate. This young woman is Sophie Scholl who tells the story of her...
Garden parties, music and dancing characterize the lives of a family of German aristocrats in the days leading to World War I.
Adlon recounts the making of the sculpture, "Kugelkaryatide" the sphere that stood in the center of Tobin Plaza between the two towers of the World...
About the life of writer Robert Walser.
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