Anne Shirley, an orphan, is taken into the lives of a generous farmer and his sister. She grows from an adventuresome young lass into a charming and...
Itinerant magician Balzamo arrives in the town where Dr. Emerson and his pretty young wife live. Smitten with Mrs. Emerson, Balzamo places her under...
Removed from an orphanage, Nance Olden is taken to live at Mother Hogan's boarding-house for crooks. There she becomes Tom Morgan's partner, helping...
Mary Miles Minter is the title character. Pat (Minter) is a little orphan who has been raised around the circus. Her foster father is Toto the clown...
Barnabetta Dreary's grim life of slaving for her Pennsylvania Dutch father Barnaby and her two brothers, is surprisingly changed when Barnaby marries...
Living in Cuba with her parents and grandmother, Inez Hastings, does not care for Lavendera, her persistent suitor. Contrary to her father's wishes,...
Tillie Getz, the eldest daughter of Jacob Getz, a brutal, driving father, lives in a Pennsylvania Mennonite village. Her Mennonite aunt leaves a will...