The story of four soon-to-be-college grads who are about to embark on the big adventure known as life. The foursome concoct an elaborate plan to hire...
Former cop-turned-bar owner Kwok and his underachieving half-brother befriends a drunken woman, they soon find themselves targeted by both her former...
A young policewoman is picked for an undercover job--getting close enough to a gangster's son so that she can plant a microphone at a table where the...
Hong Kong filmmaker Derek Chiu directs this quiet romance that recalls the gentle style of Francois Truffaut. Young and attractive Mandy (Yo Yo Mung)...
Younger brother from HK visits older brother, who is a mid-level mobster in Thailand. He is looking to recoup money the brother took from the family...
PK and PS are best friends and both work as hookers. PS owes a gambling debt to her pimp, and PK asks her boyfriend, Lung, to intervene, unaware that...
The undercover Lee Chi-Kit, shrewd and capable, is responsible for investigating a drug gang. He becomes friends with an assassin named Eva and falls...
Wong Fei Hong (Wong Kwan) must fight against slave trader Master Eleven (Ji Chun Hua) and Prefect Wu to stop the Chinese being sold as slaves work in...