The story tells the tale of 3 friends who travel to the city of Kuala Lumpur in search of fulfilling their dreams. Mazlan, Azlee and Wahid dreams of...
Two friends work as cleaners whose jobs are to clean homes and places where people have died or dead bodies are found. One day, they are tasked with...
Haikal, the son of a successful fruit farmer Samad, has been framed and jailed for a crime he did not commit. His father strikes a deal with a South...
In December 1993, a luxury condominium tower block collapse after ground erosion from the neighbouring hillside. About 50 people lost their lives and...
Adnan, Bobby, Nadia and Wawa are going to Bangkok for a business affair plus a short getaway. Unfortunately, Nadia and Wawa had lost their passports....
The third instalment of "Adnan Sempit" sees Adnan married to his childhood love, Nadia, and Bobby married to Wawa. Adnan, is also getting the hang of...
Manja and Herry are your perfect everyday loving and romantic married couple. But, Manja is a leader of a pack of gangsters, which she tries to hide...
The sequel to the successful "Adnan Sempit" by Ismail Bob Hashim in 2010 which told the story of Adnan, an orphaned street biker who is cared for by...
Bella is a part-time model who becomes famous after posing for the cover page of Reza`s latest magazine. At their first meeting, they fall in love at...