Radha Krishna, a young boy gets inspired to become a police officer following his belief that Lord Krishna rescued him in the avatar of a cop when he...
Sivaji and his family are uprooted from their community in Sri Lanka and wind up as bonded labourers in Vishakhapatnam. Like his legendary namesake,...
Set in a village named Rudravanam in 1990's, Surya along with his mother, visit there after a long time. Suddenly a series of mysterious deaths occur...
Dasu is a small time crook who becomes orphan after his father goes to prison. Meanwhile a local goon decides to send one of his men into the police...
In London, Dev, an overweight, genius chef who suffers with muscle spasms, meets Tara and love blossoms, but things take an interesting turn when he...
Arjun, a small time money lender, is potbellied, thirty-plus guy under pressure to get married. After a lot of struggle, He finally finds a match in...