This sequel to "Pandora's Box" continues director Jeffrey Lau's adaptation of the Buddhism saga "Journey to the West". Stranded five centuries in the...
An aged father and his younger, mentally challenged son have been working hard every day to keep the bathhouse running for a motley group of regular...
Honoring his father's dying words, a young man comes to the dusty desert village of Double Flag Town to claim his bride. Everyone looks down upon him...
Wang Shuangli is Deputy Director of the local Cultural Centre, and hopes to be appointed Director. However Old Ma is brought in from the country and...
"Wheat," is a historical action drama about the women left behind when their men have gone off to war -- and the lies they are told to keep them from...
Yu Xiaoqin steals money from her father and blames on her sister Tao Lan, who accidentally kills her sister while attempting to prove her innocence....
A bumbling factory translator is suspected of industrial espionage after sending an innocent telegram that is intercepted by a militant snoop. Placed...
Set in the days of Anti-Japanese War. Doctors of Humanity Hospital save a wounded patriot, but the event is informed to Japanese secret service. How...