When a research crew in deep space discovers the desolate ship "Green Planet" that warps into their area, they encounter Buzz, the commander and sole...
Satou Ichirou once called himself 'Maryuuin Kouga' and behaved as if he were a hero in a fantasy world. His strange behavior caused his classmates to...
In the spring, male student Makoto Yuki transfers to Gekkoukan High School. However, as he heads to his new dormitory, listening to the music on his...
Bean Bandit and his partner Rally Vincent are couriers for hire - transporting clients and delivering goods in his custom sports car "Roadbuster" for...
Ross Sylibus is assigned to a police unit on a Martian colony, to find that women are being murdered by a psychotic named D'anclaude. He is assigned...
To the unsuspecting eye Maki, Reimi and Yuka may not look like ace crime fighters, which might explain why they're stuck on traffic patrol instead of...
After her village is destroyed and all its residents slaughtered by the evil wizard Gardein and his master The Dark Lord, a warrior known as Lemnear,...