A promising debut feature tells the story of a young woman returning from America to discover the realities of life in Macedonia, that looks as if it...
Miha, a poet whom no one takes seriously, earns his living by writing cheap advertising slogans. This outsider poet of the new age gets commissioned...
L.V. Strocki is a traveling film projectionist in the best years. He is a representative of the first generation who watched partisan films, lived to...
A successful stage director plans to put on an outdoor production of a previously unknown play by a famous writer, but is haunted by his past in the...
Peter is in his early forties and until recently he worked in a factory, but after Slovenia's integration into the European Union, the factory closed...
It was only a card game in the beginning, but then it turned out to be a crime thriller. Frank is a man who works in a printing shop, and whose life...
A bald-headed professor Rozina, with the help of his brother and female assistant, for many years tests all possible chemical compounds and solutions...