John, a new student at an exclusive private school, is having trouble with a group of bullying jocks who are jealous of his friendship with beautiful...
Victor Reynolds arrives at the notorious House of Usher, whereupon he is greeted by old acquaintances Roderick and Madeline Usher and their servant,...
A college freshman goes to a frat party and wakes up with a strange thirst for blood. He soon discovers the fraternity is actually secret society of...
Eighteen year-old Corey Peterson and his mother move to a small town due to a trauma in their past. On Corey's first day at Hallows End High School,...
In this supernatural take on The Fast and the Furious, college student Jesse returns home only to find that his old stomping ground has been overrun...
Seven students answer an advertisement to participate in an experiment to explore how the sensation of pain can be eliminated. Arriving at a secluded...
In this update to Edgar Allan Poe's classic tale, it's time for the biggest gay party of the year. Unfortunately, the host has chosen the site of the...
On an island in the Pacific Northwest, a young woman calls to ancient spirits in order to right the wrongs inflicted on her. For this she summons the...