On a secluded farm in a nondescript rural town, a man is slowly dying. His family gathers to mourn, and soon a darkness grows, marked by waking...
Two young women at a prestigious prep school are assailed by an evil, invisible power when they're stranded over winter break.
A mother and her 10-year old daughter are trapped in a forest. There is something in this forest. Something unlike anything they have heard before....
After a mysterious global crisis, a young girl is left alone to hide from a malevolent power that stalks her home. Her parents eventually return and...
On vacation at a remote lake house, a mother and her two young daughters must fight for survival after falling into a terrifying and bizarre...
A couple are given a camera and a set of instructions which they must follow or else someone will die.
A horror/thriller set in a world where people lock themselves indoors one night a year for fear of random attacks from creatures known as the "Grims".
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