On the Japanese island of Amami, despite lacking parental guidance, Kaito and his girlfriend Kyoko try to find their place in the world. While Kaito...
The movie begins in the year 1995 where there were 5 peculiar murder cases. The murderer would always get someone close to the victim to witness how...
The story of a strange living situation in a 2LDK apartment in suburban Tokyo. There are five residents ranging in age from eighteen to twenty-eight....
"You will die six hours later." Keishi, a youth who proclaims himself a seer, suddenly says this to Mio, who is walking along the streets of Shibuya....
Eric Clapton: Wonderful Tonight - Live in Japan 2009HD
IMDb: 4
Eric Clapton is widely considered one of the greatest blues guitarists of all time. He played with The Yardbirds, a seminal 60s blues-rock band that...
Toshiko does not have long to live. She wants to make the most of her time while she can and takes a sojourn to where her true hometown for which she...