Pedro Zamora (Miguelangel Landa) is a former guerrilla who returns to Caracas and moves to a pension as a tenant. Despite appearances, he has come to...
Ingrid is a young high school student who due to the impact suffered by the death of his mother, is acting strangely causing concern to her teachers....
Carmen is a beautiful woman working in a business that is dedicated to smuggling. One day, Carmen fights and hurts to a smuggler woman, so a sergeant...
A group of thieves and outcasts are living in a big abandoned movie theater where they have created a very friendly and very particular universe. The...
Victor, a family man, becomes romantically involved with Rosario, a young newly arrived prostitute from the city of Maracaibo. His obsessive love and...
During a bus ride through the Andes, two seminarians encounter with a woman named Manon. Immediately, one of them falls in love and the attraction is...
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) investigates the murder of a woman in a population near the capital. The woman was raped before death and the...