Released from captivity in Vietnam, two American Army officers return to civilian life and discover they have acquired an insatiable taste for human...
At the end of the Civil War, a Union soldier is released from prison and travels with a fellow prisoner to Missouri where his travelling companion is...
David, Javier, Dani and Pepe are four friends expelled from a religious school who must join the discipline of a mixed center. His passion for music...
Antonio is married to a very wealthy woman but the sole heir of the family fortune is his daughter. He induce his dying wife to swear in the daughter...
In the year 1595, in a Spanish village lives the miller Diego, irresistible to the local girls. Meanwhile, a friar arrives in the village on his way...
Spain, 1940s. While returning to Madrid by train, Paca, a chorus girl who aspires to join a prestigious company, meets Luis, a young man of helpless...