One country. Four directors. Six comedy-dramas. Each of them works as a separate story, together they form a coherent whole. All of them are based on...
Raised by an alcoholic father, a sheep breeder, Kuba is growing up in a small village where nothing ever happens. One day, an old friend from the big...
Doina, a 12-year-old girl, has her first period on the day her grandma has a stroke. Since then, their roles are inverted and Doina has to learn how...
Bartek's mother wants to prepare her son for what is worst and at the same time inevitable: her own death. She secures his financial and legal future...
After twenty years in prison, a man returns to his homeland to wait for death in peace. His world is completely changed when he accidentally meets a...
Teresa is suffering from postnatal depression after the birth of her son. In an effort to find comfort elsewhere she temporarily moves back with her...