In 1944, a courageous group of Russian soldiers managed to escape from German captivity in a half-destroyed legendary T-34 tank. Those were the times...
A young and talented architect comes to his senses after a horrific accident only to find himself in the odd dystopian world. A world that is filled...
When eighteen-year-old Pasha rescues a beautiful young woman from a band of strangely powerful attackers, he discovers an underworld of supernatural...
Oleg is a young gifted paramedic. His wife Katya works as a nurse at the hospital emergency department. She loves Oleg, but is fed up with him caring...
Nastya is a talented athlete, a popular blogger and the first beauty of the school. When a new one comes into the class, she sets herself the goal of...
Caucasus, City of Cherkessk. Soslanov Sasha or how friends are used to call him Sos is never dejected. Expelled from the University, nowhere to spend...