Inspired by a real event, the film follows 27-year-old Lara (newcomer Diana Kolenc), a paramedic intern who helps bring 30-year-old Kristijan (Vito...
A man who believes his days are numbered is saddled with more bad luck than he expects in this metaphorical comedy-drama from director Ivo Trajkov....
An ailing communist reflects on a young boy childhood in Stalinist Yugoslavia.
An actor pursues his ex-mentor throughout Berlin in order to kill him.
The story of this political thriller takes place in the 90s and follows one night of the life of the Deputy Minister Nikola and his wife Ana.
A well situated Macedonian doctor lives comfortably with his wife in Montenegro thanks to the money inherited from his parents. Suddenly, he faces...
A filmmaker goes on the run rather than complete his latest picture in this offbeat comedy from Macedonian auteur Ivo Trajkov. A director (Trajkov)...
Mysterious Russian girl arrives in a small town with only one purpose to commit suicide in a most romantic way…
Milena, a successful photographer from Macedonia decides to visit Prague and surprise her secret lover. Instead of a warm welcome, Milena faces the...
Petra, who has made a life for herself in the big city has a crush on her office co-worker Igor and is trying hard to start a meaningful...
Is the right way always forward? Is there only one way in life we follow? Do we have a choice on that way? Can we choose our co-passengers? Are we...
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