Jamie Black looks into her mom's vanishing at Gladstone Manor by taking the same job. She finds clues about others missing and confronts otherworldly...
In the small town of Speedway, Indiana in 1978, four young employees of a Burger Chef restaurant went missing at the end of a Friday night shift. The...
Driving Miss Daisy tells the affecting story of the decades-long relationship between a stubborn Southern matriarch and her compassionate chauffeur....
A special agent is dispatched to investigate a distress call from an ocean liner, only to find the ship eerily abandoned and haunted by a malevolent...
Form small beginnings on a Victorian farm to globetrotting punk rock icons, the Cosmic Psychos became one of Australia's most influential bands. Now...
The sun-drenched landscapes of the Northern Territory form the backdrop for a politically neutral, storytelling approach aimed at fostering learning...