Salaam Kashmir revolves around two men - Tomy Eeppan Devassy and Sreekumar. Jayaram plays Sreekumar, a character who does all the domestic work...
Gokul Das, an ex-gangster tries to make a living by becoming the driver of a millionaire, whose daughter, Priya is the target of some killers. Das...
In 1950, a young woman named Manikyam was found dead in the village of Paleri. Around 52 years later, Haridas, a private investigator, tries to...
A self deprecating police officer who is down on luck and hasn't had any career promotion's tries to frame an innocent to make fame, but it backfires...
A father-son movie that travels through the life of three families, especially about a father who nurtures and raises his son as a good human being...
The movie tells the story of Arjun, a young athlete, who is all set to create history with his speed and spirits.
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