Maynard, a beloved local businessman is mistaken for the legendary Bigfoot during an inebriated romp through town in a makeshift gorilla costume. The...
A down on his luck driver making extra cash chauffeuring a low level drug dealer around town, finds himself in a serious financial bind and decides...
Shmuel, a Hasidic cantor in Upstate New York and distraught at the untimely death of his wife, struggles to find religious solace, while secretly...
When troubled 12-year-old Jacob Felsen is sent away to boarding school, he enters every kid’s worst nightmare: a creepy old mansion, deserted...
In the aftermath of a mysterious High School 'incident', The school's attorney questions the only witness, a student, in hopes of protecting the...
Glen is on a drunken road trip when he plots to commit suicide on his birthday. His decision sends him on a spirited adventure.....
A group of university students backpacking through Germany’s famed Black Forest. Through inexplicable phenomena the students find themselves...
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