The story follows a family with kids and parents that are agents. One day the parents tell the kids that they will be away for 2 days. When the...
After the death of his father Murat II, Mehmet II ascends to the Ottoman throne. After braving internal and external enemies, he decides to complete...
The mid 90’s. Turkey’s political instability, inflation and hopelesness on people were increased. In those years when all hope was lost,...
İrem and Ozan, who have been lovers for 4 years, wake up in their house where they live together on the morning of their engagement day. Irem is...
At thirty, and in prison Murat can’t shake his memories and nightmares. He has internalized his mom’s childhood traumas as if his own....
This film talks about the possibility of the course of two lives through the love between Umut and Deniz. It questions how one’s decisions can...
Sawdust Tales is a whimsical and timeless parable on survival in hard times and the force of a first love against all odds. In a timeless no-mans...
The story of a daring woman who passes part of her life by the question, what can I do?
There is a change when three friends living in the neighborhood continue their ordinary lives. The emergence of a mysterious stranger who has just...
An elderly couple invite their adult children to visit their country chateau. Among the children are Omer, his undemonstrative wife who knows about...
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