FAIRY, GHOST, VIXEN (1965) consists of three fanciful tales that may be loosely classified as ghost stories, but they're presented and designed more...
Woo Ting-ting (Julie Yeh Feng) is a smart, tall, introverted and snobby young girl who embodies the idea of the unattainable beauty. On the other end...
Chen Liujin and Zhang Lihong have a chance encounter with Wang Shu and Li Rong during an outing to the beach. Chen admires Wang, but Wang has fallen...
To marry her fiance Dong Jifang, Wang Danlin and her father Zhuoran take the cruise home to Hong Kong. The daughter fails to see eye to eye with her...
Sojourning in Macau, Su Erning by chance helps Pan Meiniang resuscitate his younger brother and fends off the thug. In her admiration, Pan calls off...
Vagabond singer Ali is embroiled in a dispute over love and is compelled to return to his own country. Ali is mistaken for the future queen's consort...