American Movie is the story of filmmaker Mark Borchardt, his mission, and his dream. Spanning over two years of intense struggle with his film, his...
The closing of a local restaurant concerns a number of employees who've dedicated their lives to the eatery
Trying to put himself back together after serving prison time for robbery, Paul takes a job as a parks employee in a small Connecticut town. His...
A Texan begins a cross-country journey in hope of finding the empty loft she keeps seeing in visions.
The death of a friend galvanizes three high school young women to reassess their friendship and their lives.
A young woman learns of her adoption and eventually quits her law firm job and goes on a journey to find her birth mother.
A group of undocumented Mexican immigrants work long hours six days a week, and then savor their day of rest on Sundays on the soccer fields of...
Focusing on the bonding between three female (an African American female, a half African American half Latino American female, and a Latino American...
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