Willing to prove his manhood to his handsome buddies, Marko tries to find a girl. In the encounter with a victim of a past sexual trauma he discovers...
Two eccentric brothers collect scrap material whose objects have access to the traumatic memories of their owners. These same memories are then used...
A dark comedy/western about the showdown of two love couples on hangers, on for adultery. Re-examining the Balkan and Hollywood myths and magic, the...
A three-part anthology film. 1) AMSTERDAM: Jovke and his two friends try to make some quick cash before going off to army. At the same time, he tries...
A three-part omnibus. First story: A young couple agrees to pretend to be in love with each other. Second story: After deciding to leave his band, a...
Through the intimate stories of seven young directors, October is the generational attitude towards Serbia today, shown in different perspectives and...
When a television network refuses to broadcast Rasko's television show, Rasko decides that it should be sold over the internet in order to expose the...
The drama "Angel" is a story about our natures and mentality. About the little people who meet in a common hospital room and to death, as well as the...
Nikola is getting ready to parachute jump from an airplane. During the jump he falls into a state near death and lives through a series of dream-like...
Ema (16), after her parents suddenly sell the apartment where she grew up, runs away from home with her younger sister. She becomes obsessed with the...