Sarah, a middle-aged woman who hustles as the sole breadwinner of her family of two, scrambles to teach online courses and meet her food orders to...
Trisha, a Filipino transgender woman, suddenly dies while being crowned in a beauty pageant. Her last wish was to be presented as a different...
Norma, a typical teenager who is always online, created a joint social media account for her and her boyfriend to mark their third monthsary. She...
Two best friends accidentally go viral by making up stories in their high school reunion.
In the 1970s, a widow in a remote village takes over her husband’s barber shop. She becomes the laughing stock of the male-dominated community...
After her best friend dies, Barbs starts a new life as a straight man named Bobby, which leads her to Trisha's ex-boyfriend Michaelangelo, to her own...
Gruff retiree Rene rejects most human contact, but begins to soften once he comes to terms with his homosexuality.
The armed conflict between the Philippine military and the communist resistance at the beginning of the 1990s forms the backdrop to this study of...
Upcoming historical thriller film set in 1902 during the height of the Spanish-Filipino-American war starring Hilda Koronel and Eugene Domingo.
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