Two crazy, jobless, horror-film addicts Major and Gullu, under immense family pressure to find work, hit upon the idea to float a unique...
After falling in love, three roommates experience changes in their lives.
Ebhabei Golpo Hok is a movie directed by Rohan Sen featuring Ananda Sankar Choudhury, Joy Sengupta.
Preetam revolves around a milkman living in a rural area of Konkan, Maharashtra, who struggles to deal with his dark skin. Exploring the question of...
Sonu and Afrin are both seven years old who have enmity with each other. Sonu has a pet goat and he loves it. Sonu's father Jagdish is an Indian...
Based in a small village, Fandi revolves around the otherwise routine life of the villagers which is suddenly transformed after an incident there....
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