The bizarre, stranger than fiction tale behind the hit Hollywood movie "Cocaine Bear," involving international drug smuggling, murder, mayhem, and a...
King George VI: The Man Behind the King's SpeechHD
IMDb: 7.9
This documentary tells the story of the man who overcame his own failings for the sake of his nation. When his older brother, Edward VIII, abdicated...
Follow the shocking and unnerving story of Larry Ray and how he brainwashed students of Sarah Lawrence College into an abusive sex cult that upended...
Noel Edmonds: The Rise & Fall of Mr Saturday NightHD
IMDb: 6
In the 1990s, Noel Edmonds was the undisputed king of Saturday night television. A few years later, he was off the air, bankrupt and suicidal. Taking...
Delving into the background of Mick Philpott - violent criminal and media villain.Investigating the deaths of the six Philpott children, who perished...