The Malakian clan, a family of ruthless gangsters, controls the underworld of Southern France. At its head, the violent godfather Milo Malakian rules...
Muriel is beautiful, free-spirited and bed-ridden since a horrific accident. Leo is a drunk middle-aged ex-boxer. Desperate for work and unqualified,...
An epic, untold story that brings to life the inspiring saga of the World Cup and the three determined men who created it. Driven by their vision and...
Gerard is tired of being taken for a good apple by his beautiful family. He leaves everything and starts a garage in a village nestled at the bottom...
A man remembers holidays at his uncle in a little village in the French countryside when he was something like 10. He feels so bored until he finds a...
State secrets, sincere convictions, ecstatic crowds, a regal lifestyle, prying journalists, suspicious disappearances: what goes on behind the scenes...
Mirko and Stefan, Serbian refugees, move to the French Riviera. There they meet Maguy who lives in a luxurious mansion up the hill above Cannes with...