Brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist, a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the...
A triptych fable following a man without choice who tries to take control of his own life; a policeman who is alarmed that his wife who was...
In a dystopian near future, single people, according to the laws of The City, are taken to The Hotel, where they are obliged to find a romantic...
Dr. Steven Murphy is a renowned cardiovascular surgeon who presides over a spotless household with his wife and two children. Lurking at the margins...
Two conspiracy-obsessed young men kidnap the high-powered CEO of a major company, convinced that she is an alien intent on destroying planet Earth.
After answering an ad on a dating website for Eastern European women, Olla leaves Ukraine and heads to French suburbia to move in with Pierre, who...
5 teens try to discover what happens when you die.
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