After carrying out a flawlessly planned hit, Jef Costello, a contract killer with samurai instincts, finds himself caught between a persistent police...
Near the end of the Civil War, an imprisoned Confederate raider is sent under guard to warn both his men and the Army at Fort Yuma that an impending...
A scientist who has invented a weapon capable of disintegrating solid matter is kidnapped by a criminal gang, which intends to sell the scientist and...
Valentina and Giovannino have just got married, but the Honeymoon has gone by and nothing happened between the two. Tension grows and they are about...
When Marino goes to Rome for an event, he certainly does not imagine meeting Marisa, who will become the love of his life. But once love is found, it...
During the American Civil War, a Confederate prisoner, Clyde McKay, attempts to steal a box of gold from a Union prison camp. He is aided by a group...
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German...