A military satire inspired by wild real-life events from the 1990s when, in the chaotic aftermath of the fall of communism, a task force comprised of...
Based on the book: "Bobby The Blessed and the other American" (2015) by Emil Andreev. Pure love, priceless medicine and a accidental meeting with the...
High in the mountains of Macedonia a team of young film makers are making a documentary about Katerina Vandeva - a descendant of an ancient and very...
A former history teacher, currently a house painter is broke before the New Year. Faith meets him with the rich man, who wants his living room to be...
When a tired factory worker Christo Panov going home from work gets embroiled with a dispute with a bus driver, leading to threats of assault by the...
Late 1970's in a small Balkan village. The village population is made up of the elderly folks whose children have moved to the big city. The monotony...
Valeri is a senior in high school and a good athlete. He's very close to his father, but when his father suffers a fatal heart attack Valeri becomes...