Animated version of the classic Charles Dickens story. Warned by the ghost of his old business partner Marley that his sins would lead to punishment...
Based on the picture book by Michael Foreman, WAR GAME tells the story of Will, Lacey and Freddie – three young Suffolk lads who leave their...
Time winds backward through a series of vignettes, tracing through the fate of a reckless baroness and two men who fight to possess her.
Displaced by the Second World War, a troop of Polish soldiers form an inseparable bond through an orphaned bear they name Wojtek.
Based on Raymond Briggs’ books, the straight-talking, no-nonsense but warm-hearted Father Christmas will be seen getting to grips with...
One cold Christmas night, an old shepherd recounts the magical story of how he came to be the first visitor to the new born Christ child - ahead of...
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