In the twenty years since the fall of Camelot, Merlin has become a recluse known as "the wild man of the woods." He is now summoned by a charge of...
In Ireland in 1961, Hellboy enters a ruined tower and is attacked by Iron Shoes.
Taken from a Clive Barker original screen story, tells the tale of a novelist who discovers there are fates worse than literary anonymity in this...
Harold is a seemingly peaceful neighbor in a quiet mid-western neighborhood, but underneath, he's a murderous psychopath who sets his eyes on a...
Maggie Baker has a weight problem, and her high school classmates won't let her forget it. They shamelessly ridicule her, and even go so far as to...
Absolutely terrified of the sea, an American lawyer reluctantly goes on an ocean cruise to be near the wife of a client, with no idea of the grim...
An interracial love story, set in the turbulent wild west, stirs up tensions between the Indians and the settlers.
A woman returns to her home town to sort out her troubled marriage and finds new happiness in the rekindling of a broken friendship with her cousin.
The hapless man made of clay hosts this showcase of comedy sketches, while trying to avoid the tricks of his frenemies, Mr. Hands and Sluggo.
Gina Yashere takes the stage to perform her unapologetically hilarious stand-up comedy routine.
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