In 2016, French writer and photographer Carole Achache took her own life. After Carole's death, her daughter Mona Achache, a film director, discovers...
“Reincarnation” is a short film created and directed by Karl Lagerfeld to accompany the CHANEL Paris-Salzburg 2014/15 Métiers...
Since March 2020, the artists of New York City Ballet have been unable to perform at Lincoln Center. This is their return home.
Follow the romantic paths of Audrey Tautou on a night train to Istanbul. (Commercial for Chanel No. 5 perfume.)
Rencontre(s) is an immersive, interactive and multisensory experience that invites you to live the legendary moment during which Gabrielle "Coco"...
From there all I can hear is the batting of your eyelashes is an installation (photography, text and video) curated by Chanel, and made exclusively...
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