Sarajevo Safari, a documentary by Slovenian director Miran Zupanic, uncovers little-known shocking details about the Bosnian War of the 90s. The film...
An intimate domestic drama about a family of lawyers adjusting to life following their oldest daughter's car accident - as their youngest daughter is...
Humans' biggest delusion is their illusion of freedom. Newborns have no choice, they are brought into this world regardless of their will, groomed as...
A criminalist explores the background of a business in which the authorities, with the help of an influential corporation want to evict and demolish...
Hearts beat for hip hop until Bruno meets a beautiful violinist Nina and Zoki ends up in a hospital after a fight. Which love will prevail, love for...
The sequel to Let Him Be a Basketball Player continues the humorous story of Ranta, a boy so tall that he could be knotting ties to giraffes. A story...
"Instead of Whom a Flower Now Blooms", "That Black Guitar", "Dizzy Heights" and other songs by the singer, poet and author Vlado Kreslin have already...