This ninth installment in the classic horror series offers up a trio of spine-chillers from the Philippines. In Christmas Tree, a rampaging Christmas...
Bahay Kubo: A Pinoy Mano Po! is a 2007 Regal Productions movie starring Maricel Soriano and Eric Quizon. The movie is one of the official entries of...
Tata went back to his hometown, Bohol with his mother from their poor life in Quiapo. He suddenly realize that his father is still alive. He fell in...
The first episode "Mamanyiika" plays on the words "mama" and "manyika" which literally means "mother doll". The story of a possessed doll. The second...
Little Opao and Biboy grew up together in an orphanage in Taal, Batangas and promised themselves to be best friends forever. As they grow older they...